The estimated average daily water usage in Iran is 157 liters per day for each person. This includes all activities such as drinking, cooking, bathing, washing clothes, dishwashing, hygiene, cleaning houses, and miscellaneous tasks. The individual consumption for each activity is 5, 10, 50, 20, 15, 30, 10, and 17 liters respectively. In megacities like Tehran, water consumption may increase to 250 liters during warm seasons.
The average daily domestic water consumption per person globally is estimated to be between 135 to 140 liters. However, in European countries where the rate of precipitation is high this number drops to 130 liters per day per person. On the other hand in regions where water accessibility is limited such as most parts of Iran groundwater is a crucial and sole source of water supply through boreholes.
For instance, in Tehran surface water resources supply 52% of the drinking water while the remaining 48% comes from water extracted from aquifers through 2240 boreholes. While cities have multiple resources for water supply many villages solely rely on groundwater.