Yakab Company, located in the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology




Water plays a critical role in the agriculture industry. In regions that are dry or semi-dry groundwater is the primary source of water obtained through boreholes and sometimes it is the only source available. It is crucial to manage the water supply with precision and accuracy as it can lead to significant savings in terms of money and energy.

Boreholes like all mechanical systems require regular maintenance and repair to prevent them from becoming low in proficiency. Low-efficiency boreholes are characterized by a decrease in water yield an increase in dynamic drawdown and an increase in energy consumption. Just like how you service your automobile regularly inspecting and maintaining your borehole should be done periodically. Deposition of sedimentary rocks on the screen as well as the migration of finer particles through the pore space of the filter pack materials are the main reasons for dynamic drawdown and reduction in water yield. These factors obstruct the ways and routes of water flow resulting in a decrease in water entering the borehole. Water well rehabilitation can help reverse the negative effects of aged wells enhance their efficiency and productivity and increase their lifespan.
