Yakab Company, located in the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology

We help to continue the flow

Abatin Development Company

Repair and improvement of deep water wells

Deep wells, like any other mechanical system, gradually lose their efficiency. The formation of microorganism and mineral sediments, the movement of fine grains into the space between the gravel pack and the formation of bicarbonates cause the reduction of water flow or aging and exhaustion of the well.

We are with you to revive the wells and give them life again.

Our distinctive features

We are able to perform monthly reclamation and improvement operations for 18 wells, with the following three main features.

High efficiency and performance

The use of new equipment and the use of new methods in high-end restoration and improvement make our methods highly efficient.

Accuracy in practice

The correct identification and diagnosis of the problem, along with the technical knowledge and experience gained, has increased the accuracy in the implementation and obtaining the desired results.

Speed ​​of action in execution

After the conclusion of the contract, the executive team will carry out the improvement and restoration of the well as soon as possible.

Our customer

Inspection, reconstruction, repair

After studying the videometry report and the information obtained from the employer, the executive team will carry out the planned operation. Supervision of the execution of orders is done by the project manager and representative of the technical office

Important points in the care of wells

After the electric pump exits the well, a metal sheet must be placed on the well as a cover and welded to the pipe wall to prevent foreign objects from falling into the well. Falling sacks, metal, waste and bottles, washers, wire, etc. into the well causes a lot of damage to the well or the owner and operator of the well

A well, like a car or any other mechanical system, needs maintenance. Just as you change your car’s oil every 5,000 kilometers, you should also check the well every few years and perform routine well maintenance procedures.

November, Azar, January and February are the best time for descaling and revitalization of wells. The need for water in the agriculture and drinking sectors is less, and rainfall compensates part of the water need. Manage your water needs for the next year with careful planning

The leveling of the well opening should be in such a way that the water does not find a way behind the wall pipe or flood into the well

Well pumping and washing test
Revival of irrigation of deep wells
Videometry and well inspection
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